目前分類:title (3013)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

I am simply trying to enter/change data in cells in an excel worksheet. There
are no formulas involved. The data is simply a number representing a grade 1

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I've just been asked if I could write some code and
provide worksheet functions or UDFs to a client of a

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Is there another way to create a kind of fold/unfold without using the
subtotal function in Excel?

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I have a string of numbers, 25 characters long which is in a cell. Iam
looking to find a function/solution so that I can place each individual value

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Does anyone know of an add-in that will return a valid zip code when

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I have several time series charts thta I update for each business day. I
would like the chart data series's to automaticallt expand as I add data.

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I am trying to format a cell to bring back a certain font color when you type
certain things. Example if I type quot;Chevy, Ford, or Dodgequot; in a cell I want

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I want to break a set of 52 columns (weeks) into relevant quarters using the
group and outline function, however, Exel in its wisdom automatically merges

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Windows XP Professional
Office 2000

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For a Macro novice...

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i'm trying to create a chart, but the wizard is grayed out. any thoughts?

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I've created the following code to record Username and a Date/Time
Stamp in cells K1 amp; L1 (respectively) after a user makes any change to

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It is possible to create quickly an excell table with borders and shadings
(with rows darkened and lightened alternatively) like it can be done with

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Looking for formula which will answer a true/false...for example, did
customer A have activity in January? Using count now but generating number

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I have a drop down of the numbers 5-1.

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column A has dates, column B has a,b,c,.......
I need to count by Fiscal Year Quarters (10/01/05-12/31/05)only those that

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Hi all,

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I wish there was an option with VLOOKUP so you could tell it to treat numbers
stored as text and plain text numbers the same.

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