I've just been asked if I could write some code and
provide worksheet functions or UDFs to a client of a
CPA friend of mine. My years of experience (in Excel)
are solely with the PC - amp; Windows --.
I know nothing about the MAC. Is there a difference
In ?:
1) Spreadsheet and/or functions
2) VBE - Modules, etc
JimIn article lt;Ptr4g.16357$fG3.4901@dukeread09gt;, quot;JimMayquot; gt;
gt; I've just been asked if I could write some code and
gt; provide worksheet functions or UDFs to a client of a
gt; CPA friend of mine. My years of experience (in Excel)
gt; are solely with the PC - amp; Windows --.
gt; I know nothing about the MAC. Is there a difference
gt; In ?:
gt; 1) Spreadsheet and/or functions
gt; 2) VBE - Modules, etc
Spreadsheet functions are identical. Certain protection modes aren't
available in MacXL. In general, if it works in XL97, it works in MacXL.
WinXL doesn't have Page Layout View.
VBA is version 5 (equivalent to WinXL97), so no VBA6.x functions (e.g.,
Join, Split, Replace). ActiveX objects aren't supported in MacXL. There
are a (very) few differences in some methods (e.g., the FileType
argument in the GetOpenFileName method). WinXL doesn't support
- Jul 20 Thu 2006 20:08
Excel: PC versus Mac