Does the cell contain text--not real numbers, not a formula.
If yes, select the cell.
highlight the characters you want to change using the formula bar and the mouse.
Use the menu (format|cells) or use the Format icon on the formatting toolbar.
cmock wrote:
Dave Peterson
If there is a formula in the cell, then how can you designate different
formats? here is my formula:
=IF(SIGN(Q7)=-1,quot;Neg IBITDAquot;,quot;Pos IBITDAquot;)
quot;Dave Petersonquot; wrote:
gt; Does the cell contain text--not real numbers, not a formula.
gt; If yes, select the cell.
gt; highlight the characters you want to change using the formula bar and the mouse.
gt; Use the menu (format|cells) or use the Format icon on the formatting toolbar.
gt; cmock wrote:
gt; --
gt; Dave Peterson
Formulas won't allow this kind of character by character formatting.
OR wrote:
gt; Dave,
gt; If there is a formula in the cell, then how can you designate different
gt; formats? here is my formula:
gt; =IF(SIGN(Q7)=-1,quot;Neg IBITDAquot;,quot;Pos IBITDAquot;)
gt; Thanks!
gt; quot;Dave Petersonquot; wrote:
gt; gt; Does the cell contain text--not real numbers, not a formula.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; If yes, select the cell.
gt; gt; highlight the characters you want to change using the formula bar and the mouse.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Use the menu (format|cells) or use the Format icon on the formatting toolbar.
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt; cmock wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; --
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Dave Peterson
gt; gt;
Dave Peterson
Conditional Formatting would do the trick for you.
Let's say your formula above is located in cell A1. Then in that cell
do Formatgt;Conditional Formatting. Change the Condition 1 field to
quot;Formula Isquot; and enter the formula =A1=quot;Neg IBITDAquot;
Next, click the Format button and change the format (font, font style,
size, color, etc.) to whatever you want.
For quot;Pos IBITDAquot;, you could either Add a second condition or simply set
the default format for that cell to whatever you want for quot;Posquot; and it
would then only change for quot;Negquot;.Conditional Formatting would do the trick for you.
Let's say that your formula above is located in cell A1. Then in
Conditional Formatting, change Condition 1 to quot;Formula Isquot; and enter
the formula =A1=quot;Neg IBITDAquot;. Now click Format and change the format
(font, font style, size, color, etc.) to whatever you want.
For quot;Pos IBITDAquot;, you could either Add a second condition, or simply
set the default for the cell to whatever style you want for the quot;Posquot;,
and it would then only change if quot;Negquot;.Conditional formatting won't allow the OP to format quot;Negquot; or quot;Posquot; on way and
the remainder of the characters another.
quot;Paul D. Simonquot; wrote:
gt; Conditional Formatting would do the trick for you.
gt; Let's say your formula above is located in cell A1. Then in that cell
gt; do Formatgt;Conditional Formatting. Change the Condition 1 field to
gt; quot;Formula Isquot; and enter the formula =A1=quot;Neg IBITDAquot;
gt; Next, click the Format button and change the format (font, font style,
gt; size, color, etc.) to whatever you want.
gt; For quot;Pos IBITDAquot;, you could either Add a second condition or simply set
gt; the default format for that cell to whatever you want for quot;Posquot; and it
gt; would then only change for quot;Negquot;.
Dave Peterson
- Jul 20 Thu 2006 20:08
Is it possible to use 2 different fonts in 1 excel cell?