
It is possible to create quickly an excell table with borders and shadings
(with rows darkened and lightened alternatively) like it can be done with
Word Tables?

Select your table and try Format/Autoformat. There are a few variations in
there that may suit.


quot;Octavioquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; It is possible to create quickly an excell table with borders and shadings
gt; (with rows darkened and lightened alternatively) like it can be done with
gt; Word Tables?
This will do the entire sheet, but the principles are the same for a smaller

Use a conditional format to do this and it will not move when you sort the

Do CTRL A, then Format / Conditional Formatting / Change 'cell value is' to
'formula is' and put
in =MOD(ROW(),2)=1

Now click on the format button and choose a nice pastel colour from the
patterns tab. Hit OK till
you are out and you are done.

You could also put in
=MOD(ROW(),2)=0 if you wanted the other rows to be coloured.

You could also put in
=MOD(ROW(),3)=0 if you wanted every 3rd row to be coloured.

You could also put in
=MOD(ROW(),4)=0 if you wanted every 4th row to be coloured.

You could also put in
=MOD(ROW(),5)=0 if you wanted every 5th row to be coloured.

But you probably get the drift by now. Flipping the 1 and the 0 will
determine whether or not you
start with a coloured or a non-coloured row.If you want to create alternate green bars made up of say 3 rows (or any
other color), you can
also use:

For every three rows:

For every four rows:

For other number of shadings, just make the 2nd number (6 or 8 in example)
twice as much as the
3rd number (3 or 4 in example)--
Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03

It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission :-)

quot;Octavioquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; It is possible to create quickly an excell table with borders and shadings
gt; (with rows darkened and lightened alternatively) like it can be done with
gt; Word Tables?

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