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I created a hyperlink in one workbook to lead to another workbook when
clicked. The link will work when tested, but after saving the workbook the

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I have a large spreadsheet with subtotals. I want to select the subtotals
less than a value and delete the subtotal row(s) and corresponding data

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May seem like a stupid question but I can't seem to find a question I asked a
couple of weeks ago. I don't remeber the subject is there a way to query on

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The courses I took didn't cover multiple conditional statements. Can someone
help me as to the proper syntax to write these? I need to do conditions of

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I have a massive amount of information in this worksheet.

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I have numbers (time) imported as text so I cannot simply format the

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My spreadsheet has over 1000 lines of data. I'm exporting daily so the
information changes and I do not append to the previous day's data. Because

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Using Excel XP -

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I want to change the source data path of a Pivot Chart that's pulling data
from an Access table. I tried following the KB at

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I'm trying to automatically enter data into multiple cells based on one cells

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In posting this, I found the answer from Rowan Drummond from the 10/18/2005

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Hi Experts,

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I am trying to find the number of shirts by size for individuals in a fund
raiser. In a Pivot Table, Shirt size is in col. b starting on row 10, and

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I'm still having difficulty with Conditionl Format....

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I have review a proceedure written by Ashish Mathur but I can not get it to
work. It continues to return a blank cell. Even when I copy the exact

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I earlier asked if there was a way of quot;Colour Coding Tabs, on Excel 2000quot;. I
received two replies, which I'm grateful for.

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IS there a keyword in Visual Basic that recognizes whether a number is odd or

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Can anyone tell me how to plot a relative frequency histogram (using
midpoints). I know how to to make a histogram using the analysis tools, but

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I want to create a drop down box that displays a rebar size. upon selection
of the size, in the output cell designated, I would like it to display the

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