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瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Our excel spreadsheets are saved on a Novell server. They all have New Times
Roman as the font. We have a new PC running XP and whenever we open one of

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Gostaria de ter uma planilha de impostos federais e estaduais, que dependendo
de alguns dados ele ja coloque a aliquota e o valor pra ser pago o imposto,

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A cell contains several paragraphs of text. Only the first dozen or so lines
of text wrap. The rest doesn't wrap and each following paragraph can only be

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I have sheet with many formula. However, it take 10 min to calculate after a
press F9. Can someone tell me what I can do or the reason for this occuring.

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I need to make a correction to several cells in a spreadsheet and I would
like to know which cells were changed afterwards. So, I would like to create

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I got a more than 2000 rows list. in one column there are names in deferent
color. I need to remove names in black color.

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I am trying to copy about 15 sheets in 1 Excel (2002) workbook. Then I want
to Paste Special into Word. Can this be done?

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I am making a spreadsheet and want to adjust cell widths, but everytime i do
the data in the cells above is altered.

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I'm trying to create a conditional format that will highlight a cell if
two conditions are met one of which is that the cell is found within a

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Ever since we upgraded to Office 2003 whenever I open up a web based Excel

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i have a microsoft excel document with 32 sheets of urls that are plain text
and not clickable. i want to be able to convert all the links to be able to

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How do i return to results of an Excel IF statement to a different worksheet

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I am trying to track the last 30 days people worked overtime. I want to set
up my spreadsheet with the columns as the last 30 days and the rolls as

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I've received help here with a VLOOKUP question and it's worked great for me
so far... Thanks Max!

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Recently my IT changed my Excel to Office Excel 2003 (11.8012.6568)SP2. In
the past I had the function when using V-Lookup that when I highlighted the

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Hi all

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my excel look like this:

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How do I type a number in my current worksheet which matches a number in the
same page but different worksheet column a and have it = the information in

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I have a column of text data that has different colors for each row of text.
I need to be able to sort the data so that all the rows of the same color

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I have two worksheets. The first worksheet is called COSTS and contains the
data from which I want to look up values. The second worksheet is called

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