目前分類:title (3013)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

My company is exporting files and we need to have the collumns and rows
locked due to the way we export the files. If it is possible we need to be

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I have 3 cells on a form that I need to be locked, so no one can change the
value in it. But the other boxes can be typed in. How can I lock those 3

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Hello, is there a way to round of a number say something like this:

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I have Budget SpreadSheet thet is set by month(U3), then Budget(U4),

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I'm pretty new to Excel and I need a formula that calculates the percentage
of increase or decrease between 2 numbers. For example if the first number is

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Macro no longer wanted, was deleted, and isn't in macro list but every time
file opened enable or disable macro comes up. I need to know how to get rid

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here is my current formula:

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I need help. When ever I type text in a cell in excel and then out back to
the cell I see ('and what I have typed). How do I turn this off. Example

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I'm a teacher, and I'd like Excel to total how many students in each class
get A's through F's. A = 90-100, B = 80-89, C = 75-79, C = 70-74, F = lt;70.

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How do you adjust the maximum characters in a excel header? I'm trying to
create a custom header and it is stating the maximum characters is 255. Is

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I have the following grid excerpt:

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We have a table with material prices, and would like to see at a glance, in
the next cell, when a price was last modified.

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We have a chart with 2 data series - Budget amp; Actual. We want to show all 12
months of the budget, but only the year-to-date months of the actual. The

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in the screenshot below, i want to merge the cells at the bottom

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I am sure the answer to this one is rather simple, but for some reason it
eludes me.

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Hey all,

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I have a spreadsheet that has some fields that contain .BMP graphics. I need
to copy the contents of a cell containing a graphic to another worksheet in

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...10 rows of 8 cells

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I am in excel, typing in a custom header. I am trying to type the text quot;Samp;S
Filequot; but is just comes out as quot;S Filequot; with the word quot;Filequot; with a

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