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need help

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My source worksheet has a position number, specialty rating, pay grade,
incumbent name, etc. In the past I have successfully used Pivot Tables to

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I am using excel 2003 and WindowsXp Professional and Adobe Acrobat 6

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I am trying to keep track of attendance. I want to be able to retrieve dates
of when a student is absent. How can I do that?

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I need help with a formula that will be able to lookup a part name and when
it finds it a worksheet it can sum the weekly values to return the monthly

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Can vlookup return more than 1 column?

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I have a Motorola Smartphone with Windows OS. One of the programs I want to
use is a 3rd party spreadsheet that is highly touted as being completely

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I'm running a vlookup on a list of customer accounts to find what store is
closest to the customer by zip codes. However, for every single customer, my

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I have a worksheet with six numbers in cells B61:G61.

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I have been using a workbook for many years without problem, but it has
stopped automatically updating formulas. Is there a switch somewhere that I

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If I have a value of $10 and add 10% by dividing by 0.90, I get $11.11 which
I would like to round up to the nearest $0.5, i.e. $11.15.

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I want to create an inventory and have as the first cell in each row a
picture of the product. I would be able to click on it an enlarge the image

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I have a total field in a workbook. I run an autofilter, and it shrinks the
records down to a few, is there anyway to have the filtered fields total the

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I need to count the number of times quot;Yquot; occurs on several worksheets. I keep
getting an error with COUNTIF. Help!

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How to I find and replace when I need to take data that is in rows and move
it all into the first row, but separated by commas?

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I have inserted several combo boxes into my form. I was able to populate the
dropdown lists by entering the name of the cells (product) in the 'List Fill

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I would like to know if the Pivot Table can calculate the difference between
two columns of data for me. For example, I have the amount of loans in

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Pivot table returns quot;(blank)quot; if field is empty. Can this be shut off or

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