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Help! I have a conditional formula that will not show the result. It shows
only the formula. Right now, the formulas box in the view tab under

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WAT's UP???

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I am working with Autofilter and I notice that when I filter one column and
then filter another column there is no way to quot;Show Allquot; throughout the

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I have data arranged with the first two Columns showing Employee ID and Pay
Date; the other columns show different deductions.

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I do a routine spreadsheet for multiple accounts entering three basic
columns: Column A is entered with new figures daily, those figures are

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The cell contains a formula to determine the contents. Based upon results, I
would like to color the background of the cell (e.g. if gt;10 color red; if gt;10

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I have received an XL spreadsheet from a colleague. When I open it I get the
following message:

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In a pivot table report I would like to add a calculated field that is like
the following:

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My formula currently looks like this

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Hi there,

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You're welcome.

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I have been copying a single cell to contiguous cells in a column and

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Here's a simple example of what I'm trying to do on a larger scale. I have a
raw list of data as below. I rank them elsewhere and then I use a lookup

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  • Oct 22 Sun 2006 20:10
  • #N/A

Surprising Zeros in Charts

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I am entering one persons name in a cell, but when I hit enter or arrow out
of that ell a different name shows up. Can you help

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the section of this code that say's

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Hi everyone,

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Using conditional formatting how would I highlight birthdays coming up
within the next 14 days.

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I know this process can be done in VBA. I have done it. But using vba also
requires that I have a mechanism to run the code. This would either be a

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