目前分類:title (3013)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

I am trying to figure out a way to calculate data in a cell if the date is

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I have a list of 20,000 donor records. I'd like to delete the duplicate
entries. I've sorted the list, but how would i be able to get the data so

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I need to have running totals in a pivot table. eg:

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Occationally the person doing the data entry will inadvertantly type

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I have a number of worksheets where each contains two rows of data
representing wind speed and direction recorded every 10sec (8636 records per

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I have the following Data

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I need to know how to add hours to a time. Example: I am trying to schedule
medicine administration to one patient with three different medicines

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I have a date (say current month) and I want to check to see if that date is
before, after or in the same month as other dates found in other cells.

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I'm trying to create a rather complicated form and I'm not sure where
to begin. I am a research technician for a paper mill and often times

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When you have a (large) comment in a cell, and you place the mouse over

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Since today I am facing some peculiar change in my excel files. When I

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I want to lock worksheets for outside users. But when I do it and a macro
needs to go into the worksheet, the system gives an error. So is there a way

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Please share whether it is possible to somehow imbed sheet names contained in
a cell to allow for relative referencing in a formula...so autofill can be

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After trying to download updates for Office which failed, I found that when I
tried to open Excel it asked for the program CD, which I don't have because

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i have a data set that is two columns ten deep. abc (text) on left and 123
(Numeric) on right. how do i have a drop box (list) any where on the

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Help! I have a conditional formula that will not show the result. It shows
only the formula. Right now, the formulas box in the view tab under

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I am working with Autofilter and I notice that when I filter one column and
then filter another column there is no way to quot;Show Allquot; throughout the

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