I am trying to figure out a way to calculate data in a cell if the date is
current, or leave it alone (no operation) if it isn't. Basically I am using a
table to calculate test execution data. It would look something like the
1 96% 90% (data calculated on 3/1)
1 95% 89% (data Claculated on 3/2 in the same cells as above)
I then have another table that stores the data (manually right now) so that
I can graph it daily as follows:
5 3/1 96% 90%
6 3/2 95% 89%
What I was trying to do in B5 was =if(A5=TODAY(),A1,IF(A5lt;TODAY(),leave the
cell alone.
I can't seem to figure out a way to do this.
This will require circular reference, an advanced feature.
For ease of testing, this example uses 5 second intervals
instead of whole days.
Your data might look like this:
When Monitor
3/29/2006 16:44:0089.00
3/29/2006 16:44:0590.00
3/29/2006 16:44:1091.00
3/29/2006 16:44:1592.00
3/29/2006 16:44:2092.00
3/29/2006 16:44:2593.00
3/29/2006 16:44:3094.00
3/29/2006 16:44:3595.00
3/29/2006 16:44:4096.00
3/29/2006 16:44:4597.00
3/29/2006 16:44:5098.00
3/29/2006 16:44:55
Name the cell lt;Measgt; and the ranges lt;Whengt;, lt;Monitorgt;.
Set Iterate to 1
Fill the lt;Monitorgt; column with this formula
=IF(AND(NOW()gt;=When,NOW()lt;When R[1]),Meas,Monitor)
It is written in R1C1 style.
For lt;Whengt;, select a time ahead when you might start a test.
During the 5 second interval between 16:44:00 and 16:44:05
you can enter data into lt;Measgt; and it will appear in lt;Monitorgt;.
At 16:44:05, this value will be locked into the first row of lt;Monitorgt;
and the next 5 second interval will be ready to sample lt;Measgt;.
After everything works, revert to A1 and change the interval to one day.
- Oct 22 Sun 2006 20:10
Leave existing data in a cell alone