I work in an environment that uses a 'shared drive'. The PC is downstairs
and we are networked to the 'shared drive'
I have a number of files that need to be saved each day with the date as
part of the file name, thus resulting in the need to 'save as'. After
opening the template file and changing the data, when I try to do the save
as, I get the following error message:
The folder quot;Shared\xxxx\[name of file]quot; isn't accessible. The folder may be
located in an unavailable location, protected with a password, or the
filename contains a / or \.
Here's the problem, the folder is not in an unavilalbe location, I am able
to save to it all the time. The folder is not protected with a password, and
the files names do not contain a / or ].
I have to save the file to my desktop, then move it to the folder in the
shared drive that it belongs in.
Any help would be appreciated.
See support.microsoft.com/?kbid=895900 quot;You cannot save a
file from your Windows XP-based or Windows 2000-based computer to
a shared folder on a file serverquot;.Boz wrote:
gt; I work in an environment that uses a 'shared drive'. The PC is downstairs
gt; and we are networked to the 'shared drive'
gt; I have a number of files that need to be saved each day with the date as
gt; part of the file name, thus resulting in the need to 'save as'. After
gt; opening the template file and changing the data, when I try to do the save
gt; as, I get the following error message:
gt; The folder quot;Shared\xxxx\[name of file]quot; isn't accessible. The folder may be
gt; located in an unavailable location, protected with a password, or the
gt; filename contains a / or \.
gt; Here's the problem, the folder is not in an unavilalbe location, I am able
gt; to save to it all the time. The folder is not protected with a password, and
gt; the files names do not contain a / or ].
gt; I have to save the file to my desktop, then move it to the folder in the
gt; shared drive that it belongs in.
gt; Any help would be appreciated.
- Oct 22 Sun 2006 20:10
Problem with 'save as'