目前分類:title (3013)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

I have a spreadsheet which I would like to count the number of a word in one
collumn, but only if which matches with a word in a different collumn.

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how do i use the countif function
when i want the criteria to be a cell

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In Column D I have about 100 Cells filled with numbers. Some are greater to
or equal to zero, some are less than zero. I'm wondering if there are

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I have five columns of data. Columns 1 and 2 are populated with names,
columns 3 through 5 with numbers. I would like to automatically create

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I have a column formatted as a date field and need to do advanced filtering
on it. For example, I want to filter out entries between two dates. When I

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Could you please advise if there is a quick way to total the width over
several columns of a worksheet. I need to do this so that I can make page

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Hi Pam:

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How do I create a bar graph where the y-axis have letter values instead of
numbers? I want the x-axis to show student names and the y axis to show

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HiI want to apply some way of keeping the formatting of an established
spreadsheet the same but changing it in the 'Active' highlighted cell only,

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Say I want to specify the cell whose column is C and whose row is the
returned value of a function (say row()). How would I accomplish that?

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Hi, all.
I'm trying to figure out how to display all the contract numbers that relate

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I have a form which others use which contains a macro that adjusts the form
to fit their screen regardless of the resolution they are using. Is there a

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In my worksheet I am going to launch a macro from a different cell address
each time it is run. I want the macro execution to always complete in the

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I built the following macro to edit cell references in links to an adjacent
page, and it works great- even though it must be updated daily. Basicly, it

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Is this error specific to a version of Excel? Will this error go away if I

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Hi therei got this Macro code, which makes the Active cell change colour, but the
problem is that once you move away from that cell it leaves that cell with no

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when I want to save the excel file as the prn file in the condition: the

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