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I built the following macro to edit cell references in links to an adjacent
page, and it works great- even though it must be updated daily. Basicly, it

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Is this error specific to a version of Excel? Will this error go away if I

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Hi therei got this Macro code, which makes the Active cell change colour, but the
problem is that once you move away from that cell it leaves that cell with no

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when I want to save the excel file as the prn file in the condition: the

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I have two similar worksheets that I am trying to consolidate based on the
column that represents the date. I just don't know how to use the feature or

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Would like to be able to change the name of a macro in Excel 2003. This may
also be helpful in other Office products (if not already available...). When

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I use this array formula to identify what price is used for a part number:

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software 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I need a totalizer formula?

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I have a calculated element (unsure about the English term) in a pivottable
that I want to sort another element by. Is this possible? As it seems it is

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I want to use a drop down list of names to cause the formulas in excel to
look on a sheet in the same work book with the same tab name as the drop down

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When I click quot;save asquot; and then try to select a folder, the hour glass
appears and nothing moves from that point. I have reloaded the software.

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I have three columns of info. Date, Check #, and $ amount.
I have a straight list in order of check#. There are several occurances

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software 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I am using NETWORKINGDAYS to find out the difference to when an item was
order and when it was actually received. When the order date is the same as

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I have used INDIRECT function which has reference to other workbook.

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I have a date inserted in cell a1 (28/2/2007). In cell A2 I want the

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I want to get a 1 returned when I quere a cell if the fill color is Rose
(colorindex=38). Do you use the IF function or is there another way to do

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I would like to be able to count the number of different iteams in one column
whose dates are less than 30 days older than the current date in another

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