目前分類:title (3013)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

I have an excel spreadsheet with the names of Companies in Column A and names
of Contacts in Column B, and additional contact information up to and

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How can I place the current worksheet name into cell A1?

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my laptop has ms works spreadsheet, when active sync takes place the files
will not transfer to excel. i have tried saving the doc as xlr but keep

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Hi All,

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I'm stumped on this and reading through the archived messages has not
shed any light yet.

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When printing multiple pages from Excel 2003, the last page prints first then
the first page last. I've changed the setting and it still does the same

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I have a large number of cells with nothing but text in them. I want to
evaluate the first few words in each and then create a macro to move the

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I have an excel worksheet that I use for finances. I have to cells one is a
Paid cell and the other is a Balance cell. I want to take the Paid cell and

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Usando a condição quot;sequot;, obtenho duas respostas. quot;OKquot; ou quot;Não OKquot;. Ao invés de
aparecer o texto quot;OK ou Não OKquot;, desejo que apareca uma figura, por exemplo

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I have created a simple list, which allows my worksheet to 'grow' as

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Can somebody help me? I have several thousands lines of data. I use the
autofilter to organize data by product number, but I want to count how many

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I can't quite get this formula to work. I need several. My employees's pay
are based on the number of transactions closed by that employee in a calendar

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I am using an older office/excel program on my laptop. I am using
office/excel xp on my desktop. How do I convert the xp excel file to the

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My Excel Document contains a Zip Code column which contains a nine digit zip
entry (4,000 of them!) ALL without hyphens.

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I have a list of numbers in 1 column that total to a specific number. I want
to create two separate columns whose indidvdual totals are as close as

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I'm working in a worksheet that I need to setup to print in different ways.
The first part of the worksheet I need to print normal and the second part I

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I have an Excel worksheet. There is a column with duplicate entries. I want
to be able to group by unique entries, but still keep the information tied to

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