目前分類:title (3013)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

I am trying to list my old 45 records Alphabeticaly. I would like to enter
them and get Exel to sort them as I enter them. Can any one help.

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first time using excel 2003 (long time excel user). it won't let me type in
numbers in the hundred thousands, ie 643,250 comes out 64,325. i went to the

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Worksheet nearly perfect, now how can I protect the formulas where i

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  • Aug 14 Mon 2006 20:09
  • XL2K

Is there a way I can change the colour of an array of cells depending on

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I have a data set the I want to evaluate using quadratic and cubit fits- can
someone provide the proper equations? Adn what about plotting the funtions?

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I'm merging from excel 2003 to word 2003. The data in excel is rounded to a
..xx setup. I merge it to word and it goes to a .xxxx format for numbers that

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What am I doing wrong?

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I have a list of 75 test scores, and I have to calculate the percentile

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I need to use the rank function to get the position of each item in a list based on its corresponding Revenue. However, the range
that has the revenue numbers also contains a percentage related to that item. Basically, I need to use RANK based on a list that

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I have column A amp; B. In column C I have =iff(a1=b1,quot;Yquot;,quot;Nquot;). Now I drag
that down column c to the bottom of the list. I might have

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Hi Preacher Man,

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Hi can you help i have a range of numbers and need to insert a zero in front
is there a way of doing this

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Hi all,

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I wish to write inside the margins in Excel. How?

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I've been asked to provide some excel training at work and am preparing

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If you format a cell to wrap text, you can artificially put in a Line

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Using VLOOKUP with the TRUE parameter on two sorted lists, Excel consistently
returns the value from the previous row if there is NOT an exact match. For

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