I'm stumped on this and reading through the archived messages has not
shed any light yet.
Using =COUNTIF(V2:V11,quot;*Very Clear*quot;) to determine the number of times
quot;Very Clearquot; is listed works great.
to determine the number times quot;Very Clearquot; is listed on a particular
date returns the inaccurate value of quot;0quot;.
What am I missing? Thanks! Trish (Excel 2000, WinXP)One way
Clearquot;,V2:V11))))note that I removed datevalue, it is of no real value, I also changed the
date format to a date that will translate to other regional date systems
Peo Sjoblom
Excel 95 - Excel 2007
Northwest Excel Solutions
www.nwexcelsolutions.comquot;It is a good thing to follow the first law of holes;
if you are in one stop digging.quot; Lord Healeyquot;javamomquot; gt; wrote in message oups.com...
gt; I'm stumped on this and reading through the archived messages has not
gt; shed any light yet.
gt; Using =COUNTIF(V2:V11,quot;*Very Clear*quot;) to determine the number of times
gt; quot;Very Clearquot; is listed works great.
gt; Using
gt; =SUMPRODUCT(--(E2:E11=DATEVALUE(quot;10/19/2004quot;)),--(V2:V11=quot;*Very*Clear*quot;))
gt; to determine the number times quot;Very Clearquot; is listed on a particular
gt; date returns the inaccurate value of quot;0quot;.
gt; What am I missing? Thanks! Trish (Excel 2000, WinXP)
I tried your suggestion and it still returns a 0.
I noticed you removed the asterisks around the quot;Very Clearquot; but I've
found I need to have those to make the COUNTIF work. Could the problem
be that the text itself is not very clean and extra characters are
causing a problem with SUMPRODUCT?
Oddly, if I copy the contents from one of the text cells and paste it
into the Excel find/replace feature, the program cannot find that text.
I'm starting to suspect that I have weird text characters because this
content has traveled across many platforms before being imported into
the spreadsheet. Is SUMPRODUCT sensitive in maaner that COUNTIF is not?Grasping at straws... Trishjavamom wrote:
gt; I tried your suggestion and it still returns a 0.
gt; I noticed you removed the asterisks around the quot;Very Clearquot; but I've
gt; found I need to have those to make the COUNTIF work. Could the problem
gt; be that the text itself is not very clean and extra characters are
gt; causing a problem with SUMPRODUCT?
gt; Oddly, if I copy the contents from one of the text cells and paste it
gt; into the Excel find/replace feature, the program cannot find that text.
gt; I'm starting to suspect that I have weird text characters because this
gt; content has traveled across many platforms before being imported into
gt; the spreadsheet. Is SUMPRODUCT sensitive in maaner that COUNTIF is not?
gt; Grasping at straws... Trish
Peo removed the atserisk because he did a SEARCH in its place, which
caters for the string within.
Maybe the wrap-around did you, try
--(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(quot;Very Clearquot;,V2:V11))))
- Aug 14 Mon 2006 20:09