I will be grateful if I can receive help regarding this problem:
I am trying to build an invoice workbook for my clinic. I have 2
1. I have almost 25 different procedures and 4 different room
categories. The professional charges for the procedures vary according
to the room category e.g for procedure x, the charge will be 5 for
general room, 8 for semispl room, 13 for spl room etc. with no fixed
ratio of increase.In the invoice form, as soon as i select the room
type and procedure, I need to get the price automatically. I have made
a table assigning the prices. I have tried the vlookup, offset but to
no avail. The table is on a different worksheet to avoid the clutter.
The table is unsorted.
2. I wish to assign the invoice number automatically serially to the
bills generated.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
rajeshparikh64's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=32830
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=526314Set your table as follows:
In sheet 2 across the range A1:E26 where on row 1 cell B1 thru E1 holds
room number headings and A2 thru A26 holds the decription.
Now enter the rates in the range B2:E26 so that you enter all 25 * 4 = 100
rates in these cells
Now whereever you want the rate use this formu
=INDEX(Sheet2!$B$2:$E$26,MATCH(F1,Sheet2!$A$2:$A$2 6,0),MATCH(G1,Sheet2!$B$1:$E$1,0))
where F1 holds the procedure and G1 holds the room number in the above
As far as automatic invoice numbering is concerned do a quick lookup in
google and you will find a small VB script to do thatquot;rajeshparikh64quot;
lt;rajeshparikh64.259gqm_1143349801.8909@excelforu m-nospam.comgt; wrote in
message news:rajeshparikh64.259gqm_1143349801.8909@excelfo rum-nospam.com...
gt; I will be grateful if I can receive help regarding this problem:
gt; I am trying to build an invoice workbook for my clinic. I have 2
gt; problems:
gt; 1. I have almost 25 different procedures and 4 different room
gt; categories. The professional charges for the procedures vary according
gt; to the room category e.g for procedure x, the charge will be 5 for
gt; general room, 8 for semispl room, 13 for spl room etc. with no fixed
gt; ratio of increase.In the invoice form, as soon as i select the room
gt; type and procedure, I need to get the price automatically. I have made
gt; a table assigning the prices. I have tried the vlookup, offset but to
gt; no avail. The table is on a different worksheet to avoid the clutter.
gt; The table is unsorted.
gt; 2. I wish to assign the invoice number automatically serially to the
gt; bills generated.
gt; Any help will be greatly appreciated.
gt; thanks,
gt; rajesh
gt; --
gt; rajeshparikh64
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; rajeshparikh64's Profile:
gt; www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=32830
gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=526314
thanks for the help. really needed it with the new financial year
starting an everything--
rajeshparikh64's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=32830
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=526314
- Aug 14 Mon 2006 20:09
lookup and autonumber