I want to use a drop down list of names to cause the formulas in excel to
look on a sheet in the same work book with the same tab name as the drop down
name chosen and place the data found in a particular cell in the appropriate
cell on the sheet with the drop down. Each of the other sheets are data
concerning only one name per sheet. I am using 2003 version in xp.
I hope this makes sense to whom ever would like to field the question.
If I understand you correctly...
Assume dropdown in A1, and the quot;particular cellquot; on the sheets is J10.
=INDIRECT(quot;'quot; amp; A1 amp; quot;'!J10quot;)
In article gt;,
quot;milkmanquot; gt; wrote:
gt; I want to use a drop down list of names to cause the formulas in excel to
gt; look on a sheet in the same work book with the same tab name as the drop down
gt; name chosen and place the data found in a particular cell in the appropriate
gt; cell on the sheet with the drop down. Each of the other sheets are data
gt; concerning only one name per sheet. I am using 2003 version in xp.
gt; I hope this makes sense to whom ever would like to field the question.
JE McGimpsey, That was the answer to my problem. Many Thanks.
I do have one more issue now. When I try to fill series in the columns the
fixed ref increases by 1 step instead of the variable ref (the one for the
data base for the name chosen). Would appreciate help with this. Otherwise
thanks again and have a good day!
quot;JE McGimpseyquot; wrote:
gt; If I understand you correctly...
gt; Assume dropdown in A1, and the quot;particular cellquot; on the sheets is J10.
gt; =INDIRECT(quot;'quot; amp; A1 amp; quot;'!J10quot;)
gt; In article gt;,
gt; quot;milkmanquot; gt; wrote:
gt; gt; I want to use a drop down list of names to cause the formulas in excel to
gt; gt; look on a sheet in the same work book with the same tab name as the drop down
gt; gt; name chosen and place the data found in a particular cell in the appropriate
gt; gt; cell on the sheet with the drop down. Each of the other sheets are data
gt; gt; concerning only one name per sheet. I am using 2003 version in xp.
gt; gt; I hope this makes sense to whom ever would like to field the question.
- Aug 14 Mon 2006 20:09
refer to drop down item as a sheet reference in a formula