
My formula currently looks like this


unfortunately A is a fairly long formula. Is there a more elegant way to do

Barb Reinhardt

Hi Barb,

I don't know the restrictions you might have, but if possible I would always store the A formula in a cell and use that address to

Kind regards,

Niek Otten

quot;Barb Reinhardtquot; gt; wrote in message
| My formula currently looks like this
| =if(or(A=Green,A=Yellow,A=Red),1,0)
| unfortunately A is a fairly long formula. Is there a more elegant way to do
| this?
| Thanks,
| Barb Reinhardt
Hi Barb..........
Maybe just put the long formula in a helper cell and refer to that cell in
your IF statement..........

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3
quot;Barb Reinhardtquot; wrote:

gt; My formula currently looks like this
gt; =if(or(A=Green,A=Yellow,A=Red),1,0)
gt; unfortunately A is a fairly long formula. Is there a more elegant way to do
gt; this?
gt; Thanks,
gt; Barb Reinhardt

I thought about that, but would prefer not to as I already have a lot in this

Thanks for your help.

quot;Niek Ottenquot; wrote:

gt; Hi Barb,
gt; I don't know the restrictions you might have, but if possible I would always store the A formula in a cell and use that address to
gt; compare.
gt; --
gt; Kind regards,
gt; Niek Otten
gt; quot;Barb Reinhardtquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; | My formula currently looks like this
gt; |
gt; | =if(or(A=Green,A=Yellow,A=Red),1,0)
gt; |
gt; | unfortunately A is a fairly long formula. Is there a more elegant way to do
gt; | this?
gt; |
gt; | Thanks,
gt; | Barb Reinhardt

Hi Barb,

Consider a defined name for your formula.--
Kind regards,

Niek Otten

quot;Barb Reinhardtquot; gt; wrote in message
|I thought about that, but would prefer not to as I already have a lot in this
| worksheet.
| Thanks for your help.
| quot;Niek Ottenquot; wrote:
| gt; Hi Barb,
| gt;
| gt; I don't know the restrictions you might have, but if possible I would always store the A formula in a cell and use that
address to
| gt; compare.
| gt;
| gt; --
| gt; Kind regards,
| gt;
| gt; Niek Otten
| gt;
| gt; quot;Barb Reinhardtquot; gt; wrote in message
| gt; ...
| gt; | My formula currently looks like this
| gt; |
| gt; | =if(or(A=Green,A=Yellow,A=Red),1,0)
| gt; |
| gt; | unfortunately A is a fairly long formula. Is there a more elegant way to do
| gt; | this?
| gt; |
| gt; | Thanks,
| gt; | Barb Reinhardt
| gt;
| gt;
| gt;
Try something like this:

Define this Named Range:
Name: LU_TrafficLights
Refers to: ={quot;Greenquot;,quot;Yellowquot;,quot;Redquot;}

Now, for a value in A1
B1: =IF(OR(A1=LU_TrafficLights),1,0)

Is that something you can work with?


XL2002, WinXP-Proquot;Barb Reinhardtquot; wrote:

gt; My formula currently looks like this
gt; =if(or(A=Green,A=Yellow,A=Red),1,0)
gt; unfortunately A is a fairly long formula. Is there a more elegant way to do
gt; this?
gt; Thanks,
gt; Barb Reinhardt

You could create a separate worksheet for this, and give the one cell you need a defined name.
It's very likely that you can't even notice the difference in performance and memory usage, and it makes it easier to keep control
of your total workbook.

Kind regards,

Niek Otten

quot;Barb Reinhardtquot; gt; wrote in message
|I thought about that, but would prefer not to as I already have a lot in this
| worksheet.
| Thanks for your help.
| quot;Niek Ottenquot; wrote:
| gt; Hi Barb,
| gt;
| gt; I don't know the restrictions you might have, but if possible I would always store the A formula in a cell and use that
address to
| gt; compare.
| gt;
| gt; --
| gt; Kind regards,
| gt;
| gt; Niek Otten
| gt;
| gt; quot;Barb Reinhardtquot; gt; wrote in message
| gt; ...
| gt; | My formula currently looks like this
| gt; |
| gt; | =if(or(A=Green,A=Yellow,A=Red),1,0)
| gt; |
| gt; | unfortunately A is a fairly long formula. Is there a more elegant way to do
| gt; | this?
| gt; |
| gt; | Thanks,
| gt; | Barb Reinhardt
| gt;
| gt;
| gt;
=ISNUMBER(MATCH(A,{quot;Greenquot;,quot;Yellowquot;,quot;Redquot;},0)) 0

Barb Reinhardt wrote:
gt; My formula currently looks like this
gt; =if(or(A=Green,A=Yellow,A=Red),1,0)
gt; unfortunately A is a fairly long formula. Is there a more elegant way to do
gt; this?
gt; Thanks,
gt; Barb Reinhardt

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