I have been copying a single cell to contiguous cells in a column and
have always found that after the paste operation, the final active cell
will be the top-most, or first, cell of the paste range. For example,
if the paste range extends for several screens and, after the paste, I
hit the cursor down button, I will go back to the first screen and the
active cell will be the second cell of the range.
However, I was earlier working in another workbook doing the exact same
thing. But the final active cell after the paste would be the last cell
of the range.
I prefer the second behavior, but can find no reason for it to be
happening. Does anyone know where the option is that sets this kind of
1scant's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=31635
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=518424If you want the last cell in the range to be selected, start your selection
in the last cell and drag toward the first cell. The active cell in a
selection is always the first cell selected.
Kevin Backmannquot;1scantquot; wrote:
gt; I have been copying a single cell to contiguous cells in a column and
gt; have always found that after the paste operation, the final active cell
gt; will be the top-most, or first, cell of the paste range. For example,
gt; if the paste range extends for several screens and, after the paste, I
gt; hit the cursor down button, I will go back to the first screen and the
gt; active cell will be the second cell of the range.
gt; However, I was earlier working in another workbook doing the exact same
gt; thing. But the final active cell after the paste would be the last cell
gt; of the range.
gt; I prefer the second behavior, but can find no reason for it to be
gt; happening. Does anyone know where the option is that sets this kind of
gt; behavior?
gt; --
gt; 1scant
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; 1scant's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=31635
gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=518424
- Oct 22 Sun 2006 20:10
Strange paste selection behavior