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瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

I know this is over my head and I am not sure Excel is the right
program, but I have had luck in the past with this group and figured

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The county I work for uses a network and MS OUTLOOK (for emailing). Once a
month, each outlying EMS station fills out a supply reorder, saves it, signs

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I wish to protect a worksheet but allow the user to Edit Links and change the
source of exiting external links to excel workbooks.

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The quot;Reviewquot; toolbar frequently appears without being selected. I never use
it and do not want it but, none-the-less, it often reappears and I have to

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I have 2700 rows where one of the columns is a description of an

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I need to update stock prices into an excel spreadsheet on a dailt basis.

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-- This one is a toughy!!!!!!!

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Is there a way I can search on a string within a cell? I have a column of
personnel functions, column D, that includes, say, junior engineer 1, junior

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Hi people,

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I have set up a purchase order workbook. What I want to do is have the
shipping and handling cell calculate 3% of the subtotal or $10.00 (there is a

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My document has two sheets. I am trying to write a macro that will allow me
to change data in a second inactive sheet by selecting the radio button on

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I have excell 2000 the instructions tel me to import a text file to go to
tools and look for an quot;Importquot; option. my excell has no import option.

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Hi , the following vlookup to change vlookup ranges when there is an

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5 func string1
7 func string2

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Hallo All,

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I use an existing spreadsheet every month to calculate salespeoples sales.
With turn over the number of sales people changes every month. Which means

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In my past experience and current experience I have found a need for a weekly
Sunday to Saturday one page planner as opposed to the current monthly or

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