目前分類:title (3013)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

I have a workbook with financial information listed. There are several
columns that I do not want people to see, so I've hidden them and protected

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Excel 2000 XP Pro.

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I need to remove specified data from a single cell and place on the same row
in another column. Not all data will be the same eg 100mg, 200mg etc

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I usually create a color pattern alternating between a white and gray
background for the rows in my Excel worksheets to improve overview in sheets

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need to make a cell flash when it gets to a certain level on a spread sheet

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I can't use IME 5.02 in excel 2000. I use windows 2000 with office 2000. I
installed IME 5.02 for chinese input. I can input chinese in word or outlook.

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When using GetPivotData in new format (field-name pairs) I can't use as a
reference for a name the cell that is NOT WITHIN pivot table.

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I have created a form in excel to link to check boxes but on printing the
checkmark is too small for many to see easily. The check boxes I create in

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I am getting same results from

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When I click and/or right click on a Word or Excel file, it takes a loooong
time to open. Once you open excel sheet and use quot;OPENquot;, it will quickly open.

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Hi - I have excel for my apple laptop, and I'd like to find out how I
can adjust the size of the cells. I'm cutting and pasting text from a

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I've got a spreadsheet that has been saved year over year to the new

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Hello, Here my question,
If I have a list of 100 invoices values. and the client paid me $234,456.35.

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I have a list of products, each of which has a tarifff. e.g.

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I am frequently emailed files which are csv files. I can open them in MS
Excel 2003 fine. I always save these files on disk from the email (save

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Dear all.

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It keeps adding all the totals in all of the column. Don't want that. I want
to keep an individual cumulative total for each row for inventory of that

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