I am frequently emailed files which are csv files. I can open them in MS
Excel 2003 fine. I always save these files on disk from the email (save
attachments). Therefore, the files save as .csv files. Windows (XP) file
search will not find specific words unless I open EVERY file in Excel, then
save it as a worksheet. This would take far too long.
Can someone tell me how to search for a specific word in the various files
in the directory? Alternatively, can someone tell me how to convert a large
number of files from .csv to .xls without opening each one and using quot;Save
I don't know if this will work for you, but there are desktop search utilities.
Google has one:
MSN has one:
cgkuhle wrote:
gt; I am frequently emailed files which are csv files. I can open them in MS
gt; Excel 2003 fine. I always save these files on disk from the email (save
gt; attachments). Therefore, the files save as .csv files. Windows (XP) file
gt; search will not find specific words unless I open EVERY file in Excel, then
gt; save it as a worksheet. This would take far too long.
gt; Can someone tell me how to search for a specific word in the various files
gt; in the directory? Alternatively, can someone tell me how to convert a large
gt; number of files from .csv to .xls without opening each one and using quot;Save
gt; Asquot;?
gt; Thanks
Dave Peterson
- Oct 22 Sun 2006 20:09
search for a word in csv file