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how do i make a graph for multiple linear regression so as to come up with
the slope equation?

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I'm still having trouble getting a calender function. The site posted
yesterday isn't written in plain enough english and is hard to follow as

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i want to be able to have the current date populate a field when another
field is select quot;noquot;. can anyone help?

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Hello there,

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I agree, who ever changed the automatic decimal placement (that operates like
a calculator decimal setting) should be FIRED ! For financial data entry...

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I would like to subtotal one single column, the amount, every eight lines.
How can I sum of the column for every eight lines?

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Hi! Does anybody know a way to specify that a chart legend does not display
the name for a data series? Basically, I have 5 series plotted to allow for

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I post my grades on my excel spreadsheet but I can only see it in PRINT
PREVIEW. Once I get out of PRINT PREVIEW, the sheet goes blank. How can I

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I am trying to set up a worksheet which shows differnt projects for different
departments and different members of my team. It will also show start and end

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I have a data sheet that contains 15 columns I want to count unique
BranchNames is 1 column based upon criteria in other columns. The data sheet

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I have a list of expense categories and the months of the year across top.
At the very top one drop-down cell with list of expense categories and

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I have tried setting a COUNTA formula on an array. The cells in the array
all have a similar formula in each one and will contain text if a specific

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This is probably an easy one - but I don't feel the sharpest right now...

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I am trying to create a model to solve a Kakuro puzzle, see www.kakuro.net
for information on the puzzle, but it is very simlar in nature to a Sudoku

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I'm using Excel 2002. We have 3 worksheets for different people and 1
master. I'd like to take the information that is filled in on each of the 3

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I have an Excel file of 5 MB. when I copy data from it to new file and

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I am using office 12 pre release. I am looking for the data analysis tool in
excel. It was listed under tools menu on 2003 but can't find it now. Any

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In an all-line chart, #N/A valies are not shown ... highly useful for showing
an incomplete line.

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