目前分類:title (3013)

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I am trying, quite unsuccessfully I might add, to have a warning pop up

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I am trying to create a function where the first column is a mm/yyyy variable
and subsequent columns are the nextr months in the series. So 09/2006 in

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I am trying to set up a spreadsheet and Need to put in the following function:

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I am trying to covert Julian dates to calendar date and am using the formula
=DATE(INT(A1/1000),1,MOD(A1,1000)). I am getting the date but the ytear

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I have been trying to create a date macro in which I input the date on
the first sheet and it then continues onto the other sheets, I have

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I need to count the occurrence of a string that would be contained in text in a column.
For example, in column J, starting at cell 1,

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I am trying to use SUMIf with 2 conditions, I see someone else asked this
question before but I still can't get it to return anything other than #Value!

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gt; 1) I am wanting to compare the current Month vs. Average (Cell AD). I thought I

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Ok my friends etc. have let me down, so it looks like I'm on my own
decorating my kitchen tomorrow.

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I have checkbook bal;ance in excel column A is Check #, Column B is check
amount, Column c is balance. Rather than go down the list of all the checks

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I have a cell (E5) which represents a manually entered value quot;Inventoryquot; (say
10), in J5 the user enters 5 to reflect quot;Damaged Inventory Discardedquot;. I want

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I would think that the $10M would be correct, since I don't see $10KK used

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I'd like to get rid of this redundant display. It's only in my way. Anybody
know how?

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I'm working on a spreadsheet that pulls data from separate sheets within

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How do I add several $ amounts using the same vlookup reference like quot;data?quot;
Is there a way to add a sum formula in the field?

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I am trying to create a formula for a percentage whereby the #DIV/0!

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I am doing a vlookup command and am it is only returning the first 255
characters. How can I make it return them all?

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I want to do a lookup using a list of sheet names in a workbook. For example
I want to lookup something in 'Sheet1' and refer to a cell.

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