目前分類:title (3013)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Hi Can I change the measurements to cm or inch when I format columns. Thanks,

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I need to add more info to the points in the chart. I dont want to show the
x,y cordinate that I can do. I need for instance but different value above

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The array formula below does everything I want it to do but with one
annoying exception. When the value searched is not there it returns #N/A.

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I am trying to insert a calander control in an excel worksheet. I can find
the control but can not get it to function properly or make it smaller. I can

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How do I add several $ amounts using the same vlookup reference like quot;data?quot;
Is there a way to add a sum formula in the field?

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I want to do a lookup using a list of sheet names in a workbook. For example
I want to lookup something in 'Sheet1' and refer to a cell.

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I am doing a vlookup command and am it is only returning the first 255
characters. How can I make it return them all?

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One more question. I have a worksheet with two different sections on it, one
on top of the other. The top section needs to have wider columns, while the

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blah blah blah blah blah

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Good morning guys

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I am trying to create a formula for a percentage whereby the #DIV/0!

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Hi, does anybody knows what is the maximum formula length in a cell??--

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I am trying to calculate what a payment would be on a loan.
I have the amount of the loan, the APR and the # of months.

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We want to rename some Access queries that are used by an Excel file in an
External database query. But when we rename the queries in Access, the

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I am trying to create a simple formula...=(F40*F28) F30

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I'm trying to find an easy way to solve this problem. What I want to
do is:

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Hi All,

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I am trying to calculate the difference between two times and sum the
differences. For example: in cell b2 I have 10:00 AM, in cell c2 I have 6:00

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