I want to do a lookup using a list of sheet names in a workbook. For example
I want to lookup something in 'Sheet1' and refer to a cell.
Not sure what you exactly want but this may point you in some sort of a
If say the something you wanted to look up in Sheet 1 was names and dates in
cells A1 to B6:
names ages
fred 23
ada 76
jane 42
jack 36
jill 24and in your new worksheet (Sheet2) you entered the name of the person you
wanted to find the age for in A1; say
Jane. Then in cell B1 on Sheet 2 enter the following formula:
you will see that the answer in B1 is 42.
Now if you change the name in Cell A1 on Sheet2, you will see the age change
Hope this helps
quot;jhowquot; gt; wrote in message
gt;I want to do a lookup using a list of sheet names in a workbook. For
gt; I want to lookup something in 'Sheet1' and refer to a cell.
I don't think this is possible as when you do a lookup you specific a lookup
area or data table which is usually a defined group of cells, opposed to a
The lookup function works by using the data table as a point of reference
and there doesn't seem to be any function that will allow you to select cells
from different sheets under one range name. (You can using the same sheet). I
think the only way you can do this is by using VB code but I can't help you
As an after thought maybe give some throught to using Access to create a
database theat you can reference from all angles???quot;jhowquot; wrote:
gt; I want to do a lookup using a list of sheet names in a workbook. For example
gt; I want to lookup something in 'Sheet1' and refer to a cell.
- Dec 18 Mon 2006 20:34
Is there a formula which will print the sheet name in Excel?