I know how to password protect a worksheet, however, this still allows
someone to delete this worksheet. Is there a way to only allow it to be
deleted with a password?
Yes. Protect the workbook under Toolsgt;Protectiongt;Protect Workbook.
Select both Windows and Structure then enter a password.Gord Dibben Excel MVP
On Wed, 21 Dec 2005 12:29:02 -0800, quot;Kathy081403quot;
gt; wrote:
gt;I know how to password protect a worksheet, however, this still allows
gt;someone to delete this worksheet. Is there a way to only allow it to be
gt;deleted with a password?
You can protect the workbook.
Tools|protection|protect workbook
and check Structure.
No worksheets can be added/deleted/hidden/unhidden/moved until the workbook is
Kathy081403 wrote:
gt; I know how to password protect a worksheet, however, this still allows
gt; someone to delete this worksheet. Is there a way to only allow it to be
gt; deleted with a password?
Dave Peterson
- Dec 18 Thu 2008 20:48
How can I password protect a worksheet from being deleted