Why sometimes excel returns N/A or REF, just because function parameters
read from a linked sheet that is not open? Is it a bug? How can I avoid
I understand the paths change accordingly whether the linked file is
open or not not, but that shouldnt be a problem:
For instance if A1 reads ='[workbook1.xls]sheet1'!A1 when the link is
open, it automatically changes to:
'C:\myfolder\workbook1.xls]sheet1'!A1, and that never represents a
problem, it will show the right value even if the current book is
calculated, or the cell copied/moved to another location, or pressing
F2 and enter.
Even if I use, for example VLOOKUP, MATCH or MID, with parameters
linked to a file that is right now closed, they work well. OFFSET and
CELL, on the other hand, return VALUE and N/A error, when the link
I will not check all the excel functions, but perhaps if I could
understand why this happen with the ones I need right now I could
prevent the error on the future
The temporary solution is to open all linked files to make the errors
disapear. But that is not practical if linked files are a lot and are
really big...
I've tried unsuscesfully several excel versions, so I presume is not an
excel bug relative to a specific version...
Thanks. Paul--
Paul134's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=31735
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=516265Some functions will simply not allow you to reference a closed workbook.
It's not a bug, it's simply the way they were designed. Various ways to
deal with it, including opening up the source workbooks, or pulling in all
the data using direct links into a helper sheet, and then doing your calcs
against the helper sheet.
Try googling the newsgroups on 'closed workbook' and you'll get various
ideas on solutions.
Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03
It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission :-)
------------------------------*------------------------------*----------------quot;Paul134quot; gt; wrote in
message ...
gt; Why sometimes excel returns N/A or REF, just because function parameters
gt; read from a linked sheet that is not open? Is it a bug? How can I avoid
gt; it?
gt; I understand the paths change accordingly whether the linked file is
gt; open or not not, but that shouldnt be a problem:
gt; For instance if A1 reads ='[workbook1.xls]sheet1'!A1 when the link is
gt; open, it automatically changes to:
gt; 'C:\myfolder\workbook1.xls]sheet1'!A1, and that never represents a
gt; problem, it will show the right value even if the current book is
gt; calculated, or the cell copied/moved to another location, or pressing
gt; F2 and enter.
gt; Even if I use, for example VLOOKUP, MATCH or MID, with parameters
gt; linked to a file that is right now closed, they work well. OFFSET and
gt; CELL, on the other hand, return VALUE and N/A error, when the link
gt; closes
gt; I will not check all the excel functions, but perhaps if I could
gt; understand why this happen with the ones I need right now I could
gt; prevent the error on the future
gt; The temporary solution is to open all linked files to make the errors
gt; disapear. But that is not practical if linked files are a lot and are
gt; really big...
gt; I've tried unsuscesfully several excel versions, so I presume is not an
gt; excel bug relative to a specific version...
gt; Thanks. Paul
gt; --
gt; Paul134
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; Paul134's Profile:
gt; www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=31735
gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=516265
Thank you Ken.
Paul134's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=31735
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=516265
- Dec 18 Thu 2008 20:48
Why sometimes excel returns error just because function parameters are linked?