I have an issue where my Autofilters regularly freeze - ie, once filtered,
the little blue arrow can not be clicked on. However, I can still do other
work in my workbook or go to another worksheet and autofilter works fine.
The only way to 'unfreeze' the filter is to remove the autofilter, unhide
the filtered cells (cannot use show all), and then go to another sheet, do
some work and come back and re-apply the autofilter. I cannot reapply it
straight away or it just stays frozen! I have to have the action in between.
Any ideas? or is this just weird!
Many thanks.
How large is your data?
quot;wurzquot; wrote:
gt; Hi,
gt; I have an issue where my Autofilters regularly freeze - ie, once filtered,
gt; the little blue arrow can not be clicked on. However, I can still do other
gt; work in my workbook or go to another worksheet and autofilter works fine.
gt; The only way to 'unfreeze' the filter is to remove the autofilter, unhide
gt; the filtered cells (cannot use show all), and then go to another sheet, do
gt; some work and come back and re-apply the autofilter. I cannot reapply it
gt; straight away or it just stays frozen! I have to have the action in between.
gt; Any ideas? or is this just weird!
gt; Many thanks.
It varies. Some workbooks are 40-50 sheets with 150 lines per sheet, other
workbooks are a single sheet with maybe 20 lines. It does not seem to matter
on the size of the workbook or data, the filter just freezes regularly.
I also tried to establish if there was a pattern to what I was doing before
the filter froze and discovered there wasn't.
Thanks for any suggestions.
quot;IrishKBquot; wrote:
gt; How large is your data?
gt; quot;wurzquot; wrote:
gt; gt; Hi,
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I have an issue where my Autofilters regularly freeze - ie, once filtered,
gt; gt; the little blue arrow can not be clicked on. However, I can still do other
gt; gt; work in my workbook or go to another worksheet and autofilter works fine.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; The only way to 'unfreeze' the filter is to remove the autofilter, unhide
gt; gt; the filtered cells (cannot use show all), and then go to another sheet, do
gt; gt; some work and come back and re-apply the autofilter. I cannot reapply it
gt; gt; straight away or it just stays frozen! I have to have the action in between.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Any ideas? or is this just weird!
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Many thanks.
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
I have had this problem for the past two years. It seems to have gone
away in the past few days. I think it may have been tied to a Windows
XP Update.
Are you still having this issue? If so, I'd like to know. I haven't
tested it too much, yet, but am hopeful that it is fixed.
If you search this forum you will see several posts on this topic over
the past year. I had it narrowed down (I think) to newer versions of
Excel in conjunction with Win2K or newer.
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- Dec 18 Thu 2008 20:48
Why do my autofilters 'freeze'?