I know you can enter a comment so when you scroll over the column it will
show the comment no matter what line you are on, but I can not remember how
to do this.
Enter the comment on one cell, then Copy gt; PasteSpecial gt; Comments, to the
other cells of interest.......
Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3quot;Cynthiaquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; I know you can enter a comment so when you scroll over the column it will
gt; show the comment no matter what line you are on, but I can not remember
gt; to do this.
Think we could also:
Right-click on cell gt; Insert Comment
to enter directly
xl 97
Singapore, GMT 8
Just to clarify that I had lightly quot;disregardedquot; your subject line, and
presumed you simply wanted to remember how to insert comments into cells,
xl 97
Singapore, GMT 8
Thank you CLR, but when I tried this I entered comment in first row then
Highlighted the whole column and Excel frooze up on me.
Oh bye the way, Interesting initials..............same as mine!
Any other ideals?
Thanks Cynthia
quot;CLRquot; wrote:
gt; Enter the comment on one cell, then Copy gt; PasteSpecial gt; Comments, to the
gt; other cells of interest.......
gt; Vaya con Dios,
gt; Chuck, CABGx3
gt; quot;Cynthiaquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt; I know you can enter a comment so when you scroll over the column it will
gt; gt; show the comment no matter what line you are on, but I can not remember
gt; how
gt; gt; to do this.
Thanks any how. What I need is when someone is filling in the spreadsheet I
want to make sure they enter only the info needed in that column. I did it
years ago but can not fiqour it out now.........as they say use or lose it.
quot;Maxquot; wrote:
gt; Just to clarify that I had lightly quot;disregardedquot; your subject line, and
gt; presumed you simply wanted to remember how to insert comments into cells,
gt; individually.
gt; --
gt; Rgds
gt; Max
gt; xl 97
gt; ---
gt; Singapore, GMT 8
gt; xdemechanik
gt; savefile.com/projects/236895
gt; --
Perhaps you're referring to data validation's input message ?
Try this:
Select col A
Click Data gt; Validation gt; Input Message tab
Enter some quot;commentsquot; inside the quot;Input Messagequot; box
Click OK
The input msg will appear as you scroll down col A
(Is that what you're after ?)
For more on Data Validation, try Debra Dalgleish's excellent coverage. For
starters, try her:
xl 97
Singapore, GMT 8
quot;Cynthiaquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Thanks any how. What I need is when someone is filling in the spreadsheet
gt; want to make sure they enter only the info needed in that column. I did it
gt; years ago but can not fiqour it out now.........as they say use or lose
gt; Thanks
gt; Cynthia
Sorry Max. That did not work. You know when you scrool over a cell with a
comment how a little post it note appears. I know you can scroll over a
column and it will do the same thing, So I can remind everyone what needs to
be entered into that column.
Thanks for your Help!
quot;Maxquot; wrote:
gt; Perhaps you're referring to data validation's input message ?
gt; Try this:
gt; Select col A
gt; Click Data gt; Validation gt; Input Message tab
gt; Enter some quot;commentsquot; inside the quot;Input Messagequot; box
gt; Click OK
gt; The input msg will appear as you scroll down col A
gt; (Is that what you're after ?)
gt; For more on Data Validation, try Debra Dalgleish's excellent coverage. For
gt; starters, try her:
gt; www.contextures.com/xlDataVal01.html
gt; --
gt; Rgds
gt; Max
gt; xl 97
gt; ---
gt; Singapore, GMT 8
gt; xdemechanik
gt; savefile.com/projects/236895
gt; --
gt; quot;Cynthiaquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt; Thanks any how. What I need is when someone is filling in the spreadsheet
gt; I
gt; gt; want to make sure they enter only the info needed in that column. I did it
gt; gt; years ago but can not fiqour it out now.........as they say use or lose
gt; it.
gt; gt; Thanks
gt; gt; Cynthia
gt; Sorry Max. That did not work.
That's not what you wanted, that is lt;ggt;
Ok, so it's quot;Commentsquot; that we're talking about.
Chuck's suggestion should have worked,
but perhaps you had some implementation problems,
re your feedback to him:
gt; .. I entered comment in first row then
gt; highlighted the whole column and
gt; Excel frooze up on me.
To prevent Excel freezing,
try selecting a *smaller* range to paste the comments
(Do you really need the comments for the entire col - 65k cells?):
Right-click on cell A1 gt; Insert Comment
Type the comment you want
(That's what Chuck meant by:
quot;Enter the comment on one cellquot;)
Then right-click on cell A1 gt; Copy
Select a *smaller* range in col A, say A2:A100
Right-click on the selection,
Choose quot;Paste specialquot; gt; Check quot;Commentsquot; gt; OK
Repeat the right-click gt; paste special ..
on the next block of cells (A101:A200, say)
xl 97
Singapore, GMT 8
quot;Cynthiaquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Sorry Max. That did not work. You know when you scrool over a cell with a
gt; comment how a little post it note appears. I know you can scroll over a
gt; column and it will do the same thing, So I can remind everyone what needs
gt; be entered into that column.
gt; Thanks for your Help!
gt; Cynthia
- Dec 18 Thu 2008 20:48
Enter Comment for an Entire Column