I am trying to create a graph the compares Quantity Demanded and Supplied in
relation to a particular price to find the equilibrium (intersection).
The problem is, I have no idea how to make one row the Y scale in my graph.
and the other two (QD and QS) the two line graphs which should intersect.
For example at a price $0, the QD is 11 units and the QS is 0. At a price $
4 the QD is 9 units and the QS is 3 units. So as price increases/decreases,
demand and supply changes!
Maybe Tushar Mehta's page can help you out.
Searabeara007 wrote:
gt; I am trying to create a graph the compares Quantity Demanded and Supplied in
gt; relation to a particular price to find the equilibrium (intersection).
gt; The problem is, I have no idea how to make one row the Y scale in my graph.
gt; and the other two (QD and QS) the two line graphs which should intersect.
gt; For example at a price $0, the QD is 11 units and the QS is 0. At a price $
gt; 4 the QD is 9 units and the QS is 3 units. So as price increases/decreases,
gt; demand and supply changes!
Andy Pope, Microsoft MVP - Excel
- Dec 18 Thu 2008 20:48
Y scale for P. ie when P$= 2, QD=10 amp; QS=3 P needs to be Y scale