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if i get a conflict situation in a shared workbook, is it possible to see
what the conflicting situation is?

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I have a workbook that has several data queries to external datasources. I
can either choose the Refresh Data action/button or configure my Data Qurey

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I can't seem to operate the Range Finder function, in Excel 2000. When I
double click a cell (containing a formula), the renge is highlighted, but I

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I've got another software program that will be filling a cell in Excel based
on a multi-select drop-down list. The Excel cell could read

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I have a simple IF statement that is =IF(A1gt;A2,A1,A2). The cell A1 is a

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I want to construct a worksheet that is based on invoices. A row should
represent an invoice and caontain invoice date, a brief description of the

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I have a master workbook that tracks all projects for my firm (tabs are
Active, Closed, New). I email each project manager (approx. 16) their

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I have a macro that switches pages in a pivot table, which works as long as

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Hi All,

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My appologies if I've posted in the wrong area. I'm new to the Forum and

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I want to combine the information in two worksheets into one, matching to an
ID number. For example, on one sheet I have name, ID, date of birth. On the

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I am aware how to direct the title of an individual set of data but i

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Subject sentence above says most of it.

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I was trying to change the default location of the auto recover file and now
need to know the file path of the original location. Can anyone help?

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Please, please, please could anyone help with a conditional rounding problem
I urgently need to solve.

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