I have a master workbook that tracks all projects for my firm (tabs are
Active, Closed, New). I email each project manager (approx. 16) their
section of the master list to update on a bi-weekly basis. Once updated,
they are emailed back to enter into the master list. Through out the cells
(A thru BL) are various formulas, conditional formats and validations. If I
need to delete a row in the Active sheet after its been copied over to the
Closed tab sheet, how can I delete the data but not delete the formulas,
conditional formats and validations within that row? I have used the Edit/Go
To/Special/Constants but it always seems to delete a formula, validation or
format someplace within the row. Is there a macro that I can run where I can
specify exactly which cells I want the data to be deleted from? I've tried
to quot;record macroquot; and select cells, but it ends up only working on row 8 and
nothing else....
Thanks for your help!
- Sep 29 Fri 2006 20:09
clear all except formulas, conditional formatting and validations