目前分類:title (3013)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

I have a worksheet with ~ 800 rows amp; ~ 20 columns. One of those columns
contains an unique graphic for each row, so I have ~ 800 graphics.

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The graph was from pivot table and the leged shows in %.
When I copy and paste the graph to other worksheet the legend changed to

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In Excel, what do the dollar signs mean in $A$

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When I am sending a worksheet, how can I send it through Outlook Express, how
can I make outlook express my default email for excel?

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I'm using Excel 2002 on XP, have been for a couple years and all of a sudden
I cannot edit my comments anymore. I tried right clicking and the toolbar but

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Hi All,

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I can't figure out how to create a formula to give me a number using the

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I have a template that is set to be used every time Excel 2003 is
started up. The template's called book.xlt and it's saved in the

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Here's the problem. I am trying to find a solution to the following problem.
I need to make a spreadsheet based on a sample of the following info.

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=IF(AND(a1gt;0, a2=0), TRUE, FALSE)

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Hi all

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What can I do, if there is no csv file in my computer

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I would like to be able to show number of days in seperate columns. Using
dates as values.

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I can no longer save file names, my computer says only short file names with
8 characters can be saved. How can I save long file names?

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I just installed Excel 2003 and can't even get through the learning page!!!
After right clicking on quot;Sheet Onequot;, I'm instructed to rename, type in

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I am preparing a template where i want the rule to be as follows:

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I'm still working on a large manual in Word, and copying Excel spreadsheets
into this manual.....but the last one I did, the gridlines showed up in the

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