I have checkbook bal;ance in excel column A is Check #, Column B is check
amount, Column c is balance. Rather than go down the list of all the checks
listed but not written with the balance, how would I writed it so that if
there is no checks or deposits written to a check number then the correspond
d cell will be blank. The deposits are shown only when a check amount is
shown in b.
i.e. IF column quot;bquot; '='0 then quot;dquot; ='0
=IF(B1=0,quot;quot;,lt;what you want to happen if not truegt;) or replace the quot;quot; with 0
if you want a zero.
quot;miltdpquot; wrote:
gt; I have checkbook bal;ance in excel column A is Check #, Column B is check
gt; amount, Column c is balance. Rather than go down the list of all the checks
gt; listed but not written with the balance, how would I writed it so that if
gt; there is no checks or deposits written to a check number then the correspond
gt; d cell will be blank. The deposits are shown only when a check amount is
gt; shown in b.
gt; i.e. IF column quot;bquot; '='0 then quot;dquot; ='0
- Dec 18 Mon 2006 20:34
Can I get help with an excel 2003 formula