I am trying to create a function where the first column is a mm/yyyy variable
and subsequent columns are the nextr months in the series. So 09/2006 in
first column and subsequesnt columns are 10/2006; 11/2006 etc. If I change
the start date (09/2006? I want the others to be updated automatically
through the spreadsheet.
Use the EDATE function. Where A1 is your start date, in B1:
Copy this accross for the number of months you want to see. When you
change the start date, all of the other dates will change accordingly.
SteveG's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...foamp;userid=7571
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=513663Enter a complete date (9/1/2006) in B1. In C1: =eomonth(b1,0) 1. Copy that
formula across into as many columns as you need. Then format as you like (to
get the format you showed below, Format gt; Cells, select the Number tab then
the Custom category; enter mm/yyyy in the text box and click ok).
quot;TNHquot; wrote:
gt; I am trying to create a function where the first column is a mm/yyyy variable
gt; and subsequent columns are the nextr months in the series. So 09/2006 in
gt; first column and subsequesnt columns are 10/2006; 11/2006 etc. If I change
gt; the start date (09/2006? I want the others to be updated automatically
gt; through the spreadsheet.
- Dec 18 Mon 2006 20:34
How do I create a dynamic series of months in excel?