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Excel User Conference - Atlantic City - April 2006www.exceluserconference.com/2006ECEUC.htmlEveryone who registers this week (Mar 6 to Mar 12) will be enter into a
drawing for

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I had an Excel Workbook open and Windows Update Automatically Restarted my
computer. All of my changes were lost!!!! This is a major bug. WIndows

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Have a column of from 1 to 5 numbers, I would like to use only the first two.
Numbers are located in E16:E20. When I say first two, the two closest to the

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I have a worksheet with the dates 1 to 31 across the top of the page for the
12 months of the year, is there a way to have excel hilight or colour code

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We recently upgraded to Outlook 2003 and have a workbook from which we email
several specific sheets. Upon clicking the quot;E-mailquot; button on the toolbar,

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How do I write a macro to start another application?

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I need a formula in excel to only output numbers greater than zero and
replace any negative number with zero. The spreadsheet I'm setting up will

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My apologies if this is a known bug or I am missing something...

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Iwant to use the numbers on the letter keys of my notebook. so I can input
grades in excel one-handed as using a calculator or the number pad on a desk

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How do I hide rows based on a specific value in a cell? Let's say if a user
enters the value quot;lucy in the sky with diamondsquot; in cell M48, then rows 44-50

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The process of changing the case of text in Excel is overly complicated -
perhaps for a reason - but I would love to simply make a selection from the

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We have a workbook with ten (10) woorksheets and have the need to extract a
single worksheet.

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How do i give a formula to conert the figures or amount to word in excelFrom a Google newsgroup search

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In an ideal world I would do a 22 nested If statement to check but
unfortunately Excel 2000 will only allow 7.

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Hi all,

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Is there any way that I can format a cell to insert a colon three spaces to
the left from the end of any group of numbers that I type in the a cell?

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I was printing an Excel document and an error message shows: ?icrosoft
Visual C Runtime Library, program C:\ Program Files\Microsoft

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I'm working on a health project and I want to count the number of people who
completed their Baseline paperwork, but did not get randomized into a

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