I have set up an ACCESS database for inventory purposes. I pull a massive
query into a pivot table. I have inserted some calculated fields. One of
these calculated fields is quot;$Invquot; which is calculating #received/$received.
My problem comes when that specific inventory is gone and I am trying to
calculate what my total dollars on hand is. It refers back to the weighted
inventory and not to actual. I need to come up with some type of FIFO
solution or something. Below is a list of some calculated fields that I use.
Any suggestions would be great.
Avg Price=SUM('$ Received')/SUM('#received')
Curr Inventory=SUM('#received' )-SUM('#use' )-SUM(waste )
$Inv='Curr Inventory' *'Avg Price'
Average cost=AVERAGE(Price )
If you are going to switch from a perpetual moving average system to a
FIFO system you'll likely have to give each FIFO layer a unique id, and
make that part of your pivot table, and do your calculations not on
product totals but on FIFO layer totals.--
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- Sep 23 Tue 2008 20:46
Pivot Table Calculating totals differently