I have a spreadsheet that i need to exactly copy to another worksheet so that
i can conditionally format the copy to highlight what i need. By doing this i
can replace the original data weekly without changing or setting up the
conditional format each week.
I have two problems: -
1. How can i copy the information across so that if there is no data to copy
it will show a blank in the cell
2. Is there a way to then show in a third workbook only the rows with
conditionally formatted data within them?
Hi Paul,
Copy =gt; Paste special =gt; formats should do most if not all that you're
quot;PaulWquot; wrote:
gt; I have a spreadsheet that i need to exactly copy to another worksheet so that
gt; i can conditionally format the copy to highlight what i need. By doing this i
gt; can replace the original data weekly without changing or setting up the
gt; conditional format each week.
gt; I have two problems: -
gt; 1. How can i copy the information across so that if there is no data to copy
gt; it will show a blank in the cell
gt; 2. Is there a way to then show in a third workbook only the rows with
gt; conditionally formatted data within them?
gt; Thanks
- Jul 16 Mon 2007 20:38
Conditional Formating