Hi all,
I turn on protection on Worksheet with only Select unlocked Cells enabled.
When I drag a cell and drop it onto somewhere else by positioning cursor
right on the border it pastes the orignial cell's format (e.g., border and
background colour) to the new destination. Moreover, the original cell was
left with white background...
How can I prevent this from happening? I don't think we can with Protection
option... Or, do it via macro?
Thanks in advance.
Tetsuya Singapore
Hi Tetsuya,
When you drag an entire cell to a new destination, that is exactly what you
are doing - formats and all. If you only want the value /formula to move
without the format, do Copy =gt; Paste Special =gt; then select
quot;Tetsuya Ogumaquot; wrote:
gt; Hi all,
gt; I turn on protection on Worksheet with only Select unlocked Cells enabled.
gt; When I drag a cell and drop it onto somewhere else by positioning cursor
gt; right on the border it pastes the orignial cell's format (e.g., border and
gt; background colour) to the new destination. Moreover, the original cell was
gt; left with white background...
gt; How can I prevent this from happening? I don't think we can with Protection
gt; option... Or, do it via macro?
gt; Thanks in advance.
gt; ---
gt; Tetsuya Singapore
- Dec 25 Tue 2007 20:41
How to prevent users from changing cell format