Ok this is a long one so hang on
Im trying to create a database of a hell lot of information but all
info is devided into different files.
The files are all named like this : quot;Name - Item - (Date in format
Year.Month.Day) lt;and a random numbergt;
There are about 20 different names for it to search for and about 9000
So basicly what i need is for it to find all files starting with: Name1
and Name2 and import the second line in these files into a excel sheet.
It is divided by commas like this:
Then i want it to compare the third value ( in this case 9832 ) to a
excel database were [A1] is the value shown here and [B1] is the
Correct name.
Note: A1 and B1 could be located in any other cell too so i need it to
locate the value and look at the same B cell. And ofcourse then
overwrite 9832.
// Best Regards--
Raslot's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=30933
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- Dec 25 Tue 2007 20:41
Import and Comparisson functions