Is there a was to use the COUNTIF function if a cell has been formated in a
certain way?
- Feb 22 Thu 2007 20:36
COUNTIF Function
- Feb 22 Thu 2007 20:36
Axis Data Location
I want the data in column 1 to be the Y axis scale and the data in columns 2
amp; 3 to show as a trend line in the chart. I have played with this 10 ways to
- Feb 22 Thu 2007 20:36
Change database connection between live and test for external data
I am using Office 2000. I have a test and live MySQL database on two
different servers. I have an odbc System DSN pointing to each DB. I have
- Feb 22 Thu 2007 20:36
Get number of a cell in a list.
- Feb 22 Thu 2007 20:36
Drop Down List Error
I am trying to create a drop down list with a named range from an external
workbook. The directions in help work fine up until defining the named range
- Feb 22 Thu 2007 20:36
Linking sheets into one major sheet?
I have a large workbook, split into sheets, with very complex formulas in it.
I want one sheet at the end of this workbook to reflect all the data from the
- Feb 22 Thu 2007 20:36
Extract information from the list
- Feb 22 Thu 2007 20:36
pasting zero '0' into excel, not loose the number 08459 to 8459
- Feb 22 Thu 2007 20:36
multiple regression in Excel12
Guys How do I run a multiple regression in Excel 12?
- Feb 22 Thu 2007 20:36
don't have a good thread title. (sumproduct?)