When I try to save the User-defined Chart, I get an error saying quot;can not
save this workbook because another open workbook with the same name or

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I have added together two chunks of information that i would like to sort by
page number onto a new sheet. I have checked that the cells are aligned but

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When I set the column widths and height in an excel workbook and save it.
Then my co-worker opens it, why are the column widths different (sometimes

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Hi there, I want to click on a button (created from form), then the print
window appear. I did the following steps:

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Hi all,
I have a sequence of five columns, they look something like this:

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I have a spreadshee that I have created called fuel card master list. It has
9 columns (Card#;Last Name;first name;pin #;costcenter;cost center

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if e.offset(1,0)=arrVal(0) then
msg( arrVal(0) amp; quot; exists alreadyquot;)

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