I'm using Excel 2003, and have used the on-line help, have followed the
instructions clearly. Yet at the end of it all Excel states that I'm unable

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I have a spread sheet that has a several columns with a text Value of

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How do I create a conditional formula that hides a complete row or rows if a
value = 0? I want the rows to disappear so that I can print out only the

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In older versions of Excel, there used to be a way to get Excel to
quot;translatequot; Lotus 1-2-3 commands into Excel keystrokes. Anyone know if this

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I am new in EXCEL. I am tired to lookup the function of the following :

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Hi All,

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i have 4-5 cloumns and quite a large no. of rows.i want whole print on a
single sheet in column wisee..like i have 4 columns and 1256 rows..so i want

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I have a workbook with 20 worksheets. The first worksheet has historical
data - for instance, Sheet1 Row 1 has Jan06,Feb06, etc. The rest of the rows

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I am exporting a report from crystal reports into Excel 2003 and I keep

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