Is it true that their is a particular font best for auto fitting column width
and row height in Excel 2003? If so what is it?

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I have a chart in MS Excel 2000 and when I select it, copy it, and then paste
it into InDesign CS2, the labels on the lower horizontal axis do not come

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I'm trying to sort through a very large amount of data, and to get averages

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I created a countif formula, but have a great amount of exact values to put
in a number of cells which will count up another sheet with those values. Is

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In an Excel spreadsheet I have 200,000 (two hundred thousand) Ordnance Survey
(UK) grid references in the format AB1234567890 (ie a 10-figure reference). I

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Hi folks ...any help here would be much appreciated.

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How do I create two side-by-side stacked bar graphs?

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IS there a keyword in Visual Basic that recognizes whether a number is odd or

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I earlier asked if there was a way of quot;Colour Coding Tabs, on Excel 2000quot;. I
received two replies, which I'm grateful for.

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I have review a proceedure written by Ashish Mathur but I can not get it to
work. It continues to return a blank cell. Even when I copy the exact

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