Im planning to get a new amp soon. I have heard good things about the traynor YCV series and that it quot;blows away the Marshall DSL401quot;. Im a Marshall fan though and wants to have the tone of GnR and Aerosmith. So my question is : Can we really compare the two amps? Are they two different type of amps? Help me decide on whether I shld get the Marshall DSL401 or a Traynor. Thanks!
- May 26 Tue 2009 20:51
Can we compare Marshall and Traynor?
- May 26 Tue 2009 20:51
Charvel Model 3 pickup suggestion
Allright, what do you suggest me to put in this nasty guitar. I want some thick, strong, clear and defined humbucker, no shril highs and that. Tone that i like i something in cross between Dave Murray and Van Halen. Cream and strong distortion from Dave and bigger bottom end and more vowl form Eddie, something like that. Body wood is at least what we think it is is basswood or poplar but i really don't know, but something is telling me that is basswood (angels whisper ). Also i would swap the neck pickup to balance with the bucker and have similar tone but not rails, standard single coil look, it can be hum-canceling but it is no must, just to be fairly quiet. So what do you think?
- May 26 Tue 2009 20:51
emg wiring problem with ke3
can anyone give me advice on wiring a emg 81 into a jackson ke3.
The problem is that all the diagrams on the emg site have a tone knob.
- May 26 Tue 2009 20:51
Cool Guitars! Tried these out today.
Fender showmaster special edition. Very nice feeling guitars. Perfect feeling to me in fact. If they were a little higher quality with larger frets and a better trem unit I think I'd buy one. They are made in Korea. If there were a good american made version of this I'd be in heaven. what is wrong with them??? from the looks, they are just great ... and they bring SD on them ?
- May 26 Tue 2009 20:51
Seymour 59' neck or Dimarzio Virtual 2 Vintage neck
i have a strat with an evolution dimarzio in the bridge, which one should i change n the neck, those are my 2 final options, im into jazz, fusion, greg howe stuff, any suggestions please
- May 26 Tue 2009 20:51
Unwanted feedback amp; squeeling
I have 2 les pauls and both have JBs in the bridge, i use a GT6 direct into the PA and use monitors instead of backline, but its got to the point now where I cannot even do a solo without loads of feedback and squeeling, my mates les paul has a gibson 498T in the bridge and with his guitar i can get enough volume to blister the paint on the walls without any feedback at all, before I take out the useless JBs has anyone heard of this and suggest a lower output pickup, I rang Boss and they said its the high output pickups with monitors in front, the gibson pickups blow away my JBs at the moment, and mine are new pickups. Does anyone want to buy some JBs, they are crap
- May 26 Tue 2009 20:51
HELP ! I need a Wiring Schmatic
Can anyone tell me where to get a wiring schmatic, this is what I want to do.
Neck PUP--- Les Paul Humbucker
- May 26 Tue 2009 20:51
brian may's wiring, part 2: pickups
ok now that i have narrowed my wiring down to like 2 or 3 (with another option coming up) i thought i would look at my pickup options. i want this to be a standard strat type deal, but very, very versatile. i play everything from funk, to reggae, to punk, to classic rock, and even some hard rock like chevelle. one i was thinking was cool rails neck, duckbucker middle, and either hot rails or lil 59 bridge. what i want is a fairly bright neck good for chords, solos, etc., and a nice twangy strat- like middle, with a crunchy bridge pickup that has a good midrange and bass, good for power chords and what not. the reason the lil 59 is there is because i was thinking maybe the hot rails was too hot for what i want, because i use the bridge pickup on my strat a lot, not only for crunchy, but for clean too. i was also considering..... dimarzio (only because they have a good sellection of sigle coil sized rail pickups) but i dont know a thing about them. any suggestions?
- May 26 Tue 2009 20:51
Melodic Instrumental
Heres a melodic instrumental piece I just wrote. I really went for a slow feel-driven type thing here. The tone is really nice and sharp too.
- May 26 Tue 2009 20:51
Pickups Invader, Duncan distortion
Hey guys,