Allright, what do you suggest me to put in this nasty guitar. I want some thick, strong, clear and defined humbucker, no shril highs and that. Tone that i like i something in cross between Dave Murray and Van Halen. Cream and strong distortion from Dave and bigger bottom end and more vowl form Eddie, something like that. Body wood is at least what we think it is is basswood or poplar but i really don't know, but something is telling me that is basswood (angels whisper ). Also i would swap the neck pickup to balance with the bucker and have similar tone but not rails, standard single coil look, it can be hum-canceling but it is no must, just to be fairly quiet. So what do you think?
listen.. later this year i might unload my white JB cos i'll be getting a Bareknuckle Pickups VHII most likely, or even more possible sticking a Gajic Hellchild into it and calling it quits.. sooo, if you want it i can sell it to you then cheap.
to describe the tone.. powerfull, TIGHT bass, perfect for riffing, has some shrill heights if you're not careful (might not be your pup of choice i am afraid) but it nails dave's tone on Donnington '92 perfectly. if you have the possibility of getting an alnico2 magnet you can tame the heights and give it some buttery mids, but i dont know the availability over there.. i know i must kill people to at least start talking about duncans and gear over i gotta go sleep .. work tomorrow and it's FOOKIN LATE ALREADY geez . talk to ya later J
thanks dude, well see sleep well, c ya
So what do you thinks guys...what should i look for?
A CC and the single of your choice. I'm partial to stacked hum cancelling singles so a Classic Stack or the new Stack Plus is what I would probably do but there are some killer sounding SD singles out there as well.
I really like the sound in the movie crossroads when steve vai plays in duel..that kind of sound for ex.
Originally Posted by JovanI really like the sound in the movie crossroads when steve vai plays in duel..that kind of sound for ex.
That was his Green Charvel Used to record that. He used a DiMarzio PAF Pro in that guitar...
really??? then great, i will get that pickup for the bridge tnx now the neck and middle single coil (neck is priority)
wasnt it a PAF?
if you ask me, you should take the PAF =/
cant compare it really since it's quite some time since i actualy played a guitar with a paf pro, but the paf is really cool. both as neck or bridge pup
unfortunately, money is an option... if it wouldnt, you could get a bareknuckle pickups VHII
hmm i really don't know but i also think that is possible that he used paf pro. paf pro was introduced in 1986 when the movie was made but hm.......i really don't know but i would like to know and to buy that pickup
Sounds like the CC!
mhm...the CC? ok i will have that in mind...i personaly just want the pickup that will go in that tone direction (and which one should be able to work out with single coils or stacked hums), dimarzio, duncan it is not problem just witch model of pickup. more suggestions?
Steves green charvel was PAF Pro, I'm pretty sure of..but not 100%.
Dave Murray and Eddie are on the two opposite ends of the spectrum (assuming classic Eddie tones). Dave uses very high output ceramic pups (DiMarzio Super D's for the classic era maiden, now duncan hot rails I believe), and Eddie used a low output PAF (alnico II, IIRC)
I think I'd go with a CC too, as it will help fatten up a Floyd guitar, has a bit more output but is still toneful.
well if steve was using his green charvel to record music for the film crossroads and you're almost 100% sure that he was using paf pro in bridge that i will use because i really like that hard rock tone (on the edge of heavy metal). Also is his charvel also made of basswood?
Originally Posted by JeffB
Dave uses very high output ceramic pups (DiMarzio Super D's for the classic era maiden, now duncan hot rails I believe),
Dave Murry uses JB Jr's now
Originally Posted by DirtbaggDave Murry uses JB Jr's now
#1: it's Dave MURRAY!!!!!
#2: he doesnt. he uses hotrails
Davey is right, he is using hotrails. Also i send mail to DiMarzio and they confirmed me that steve was using paf pro for the movie. So...that is fine...what about single coils in the neck and middle?
- May 26 Tue 2009 20:51
Charvel Model 3 pickup suggestion