Hi folks,
Has anyone tried the Hot pickups for Telecaster? I know that hotter pickups can sometimes tame a guitar that sounds too bright. My Ash Tele clone is just that - very bright-sounding, almost painfully so, even with the A2Pro pups. So I'm seeking advice on the STL-2/STR-2 Hot Tele pickups - has anyone tried them? And to what result?
first, check the pickup heights
my ash tele was too bright, and I went to an Antiquity set in that one .... recommended
I have a JD bridge/ Hot neck in my AS tele, but that's alder
Originally Posted by Curlyfirst, check the pickup heights
You mean lowering them to eliminate the rasp?
bit of a bump, one of my mates is considering a tele and watching carefully
are the STL/STR2 pickups wax potted? how well do they behave under med/heavy gain conditions?
Originally Posted by Impbit of a bump, one of my mates is considering a tele and watching carefully
are the STL/STR2 pickups wax potted? how well do they behave under med/heavy gain conditions?
I believe they are wax potted, since (I assume) they are intended for higher gain applications. But I may be wrong.
interesting, he loves the look of teles, loves the clean sounds, but hates the bad kind of feedback, and plays a lot of heavier stuff. awkward sod hehe
cheers tony, it seems the hot pair are still in the running
Originally Posted by Impcheers tony, it seems the hot pair are still in the running
Thanks for the bumps.
The Hots are wax potted. The STL-2 is my favorite Tele pickup.
HotRails for tele, is what the high gain buddy should look into, and it has a clean sound that (when vol rolled back a hint) is sweet n lovely..
- May 26 Tue 2009 20:51
Anybody tried the STL/STR-2 Hot for Tele?